Monday 16 June 2008

George Michael - Michael Government Uses My Life To Cover Up Real Stories

GEORGE MICHAEL suspects high-powered politicians use his and BRITNEY SPEARS' private lives to keep the "real news" off the front of the world's top newspapers.

The pop superstar claims he hits the headlines in his native Britain far too often - and often wonders what big stories his scandals and indiscretions cover up.

He says, "In England I've probably had about 20 or 30 front pages in last two-and-a-half-years (and) what interests me is what else happened on those same days, and how much our government is getting away with day after day.

"It's the perfect cover-up to every major story they don't want us to hear: 'What did Britney Spears do today? Where did George Michael fall asleep?'"

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